MBG assists its clients in matters of Corporate Law (corporate acts and reorganization, M&A and public offerings in Brazil, transactions for sale of control, partnership and investment agreements), as well as in the elaboration of documents and contracts.
MBG assists individuals and their families with legal issues for wealth and succession planning, structuring of businesses, investments and assets, designing and implementing made-to-measure legal solutions, also involving other jurisdictions, and in that case, relying on the network developed throughout the years with top-tier law firms around the major capitals of the world to ensure the implementation of sophisticated and unique structures and projects.
MBG lawyers have large experience in privatization processes, assisting its clients in Corporate, Civil and Tax aspects involved in the negotiation of documents and agreements, such as consortiums, joint ventures, investment agreements and shareholders’ agreement.
MBG assists its clients in designing sophisticated legal structures for foreign investors doing business in Brazil as well as investments abroad, whilst relying on their ample knowledge and experience regarding tax, accounting and exchange rules and policies issued by the Brazilian Federal Tax Revenue, the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) and by the Brazilian Central Bank.
MBG experienced lawyers advise its clients on matters related to financing and commercial leases whilst holding a deep understanding of the Brazilian Central Bank’s regulation, administrative proceedings before the Brazilian Central Bank and the Brazilian Financial System Resources Council (CRSFN).
MBG lawyers assist its clients in matters involving the structuring of investment funds, whit a large knowledge of the regulations of the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM).
MBG lawyers advises clients in the implementation of corporate practices in compliance with applicable anticorruption and money laundering laws, reviewing and developing internal policies, ethic and compliance codes, as well as represent clients in anticorruption cases and negotiation of plea bargain and leniency agreement, in association with renowned Criminal Law firms in Brazil and abroad.
MBG assists its clients in the elaboration and negotiation of agreements, proposes and contract related to real estate developments, purchase and sales and leases.
MBG lawyers advise portfolio managers, fund managers and investment funds, as well as other figures of the financial market, in regulatory and tax matters related to asset management, including the registry of portfolio managers before the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) and other regulatory agencies (Anbima and Ancord) along with the structuring and incorporation of investment funds in Brazil and abroad.
MBG lawyers provide legal assistance to small and innovative corporations (start ups) in various economic sectors, assisting them in the development and implementation of legal structures in order to round up investments, and in the preparation and negotiation of the relevant agreement.
Rua Odílio Bacelar, 43 – Urca
Rio de Janeiro – RJ – 22290-260
R. Leopoldo Couto de Magalhães Jr., n° 1098, cj 66 – Itaim Bibi
São Paulo – SP – 04542-000